Common Health diseases of cats?
Cats are good at being self-sufficient. Cats are known for their ability to meet their health needs. But, there are some common cat health diseases you can’t prevent. Some diseases are fatal. But their timely treatment can prevent dangers. Here are some diseases and their solutions are as follows:
Vomiting is a common disease in cats. There are several reasons for this. Its causes include the consumption of the wrong food and the spread of germs. Vomiting can rapidly leave your cat dehydrated. So, when you feel your cat is ill, it is not a good act. Connect your doctor in the right way. Vomiting describes the active evacuation of food from the stomach. It is not a specific disease or diagnosis in itself.
2. Fleas
Fleas are a widespread outdoor cat health problem. It spreads by mosquito bites. But you can easily treat it. It causes irritation, inflammation, itching, and redness on the skin.
Symptoms of fleas in cats include:
Hair loss
Constant scratching
Frequent licking
3. Allergy
Allergy is a disease that causes the immune system to be destroyed. it is a very common disease. It can cause many other issues. It can affect their Digestive system. When a germ enters the body, the body immediately recognizes it as a protein. There are some symptoms due to allergy which will be mentioned here, cough, cold, and red spots in the body. If you treat it, you will get better.
Types of allergies:
There are many types of allergies. But here are the types found in some cats.
- Food Allergy:
Cats are very susceptible to food allergies. It spreads gastrointestinal diseases۔ it is difficult to diagnose. During this allergy, you do not give any poisoned food to the cat.
- Atopic Dermatitis (Environmental allergy)
The third type of allergy is atopic dermatitis, called environmental allergy. Atopic dermatitis is one such allergy. That affects cats and includes respiratory problems and chronic diseases۔ It is an itchy disease in which affected cats have a hypersensitivity reaction to environmental allergens they inhale or come in contact with.
- Symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis in Cats
How to tell if you suspect your cat has atopic dermatitis. Some symptoms of atopic dermatitis in cats are as follows:
Thickened skin
Repeated ear-infections
- Causes of atopic dermatitis in cats
Some of the most general environmental causes are dust, pollen, fungi, grass, pollution, and mold. Some other indoor causes of allergens are smoke, cleaning products, and cat litter. It is difficult to diagnose. Your veterinary doctor will start examining thoroughly skin lesions and other symptoms. Cats should not be left in the dirt.
4. Cancers:
Cancers is a disease which is found in cats. it is very common. it is often described by the part of the body they originate from, for example, cancer of the brain, liver, bile duct, or pancreas. Although cancers can be caused by factious and agents of other predisposing factors, not every kind of cancer (or even every case of cancer) can be explained.
5. Diabetes
In the modern age, diabetes is becoming increasingly common in cats. Which is ineffective in producing insulin for the balanced level of glucose and blood sugar in the body.
- Signs of diabetes in cats
Signs of diabetes in cats are as follows:
Increased thirst
Weight loss
Lethargy and weakness
- Treatment of diabetes:
It is a treatable disease in cats. In this treatment regularly take injections, use a diet and healthy food, and go to the doctor regularly. Precautions are important to protect cats from disease. For best protection, vaccinate your cat monthly. Follow the vaccination schedule for your pet.
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